viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

The golden Quad!!!!

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martes, 18 de abril de 2017


Have a look around and get a deep feeling of life because plants are living things.

What are living things?
Living things are born, grow, reproduce and die.
The plant is born from a seed
       The roots and stem grow.
              Then the leaves grow and the plant reproduces.
                      Finally the plant dies.

What do plants need?
Plants need water, sunlight, soil, air, and space to live.

Are plants different?
Plants can be trees



Look at this picture and say. 
Which group of plant does it belong to?
Some plants are ALWAYS green. They are called EVERGREEN
Plants that lose their leaves, are called DECIDUOUS

Why do we need plants?

Plants give us oxygen to breathe.

Plants give us Thing we use everyday.
          Wood to make furniture and paper.
          Cotton to make clothes
          Medicines come from many plants too.

We can eat all parts of the plant.